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Thelonious Collective

The Thelonious Collective was seeded during our university days in Bristol, UK, and came into being as a group of friends, artists and collaborators dispersed across the globe. We formed the collective as a way to keep in touch and continue to create together by producing a seasonal zine between 2016 and 2018 (see some of the volumes below). Huge love to Clement Rames for his infectious enthusiasm and energy and for bringing the thelonious dream into reality.

More recently Clem, Eve, Dawson and I have come together in Becoming Earthly, a new branch on the thelonious tree.

Home '17

Thelonious zine photo
Thelonious zine photo

Turtle Island '17

Thelonious zine photo
Thelonious zine photo
Thelonious zine photo
Thelonious zine photo
Thelonious zine photo
Thelonious zine photo

Hope '16

Thelonious zine photo
Thelonious zine photo
Thelonious zine photo
Thelonious zine photo
Thelonious zine photo
Thelonious zine photo
